So, March is Women's History Month. The sad part is that a whole lot of people don't know this, so I feel that it's my duty as a good feminist, woman, and human being, to do special things during March to celebrate. Last year I had the idea to celebrate the individual women in my life by writing them each cards to let them know that I think they are truly amazing. I am a firm believer that people, in general, don't do enough to connect with others on a fundamental, human level--whether that is through physical affection, kind deeds, or just simply saying "I love you" or "I think you are an amazing person." It's easy to be self-involved and forget to let others know that you give a damn about them. So, I like to take a moment (or a few hours, really), to write approximately 30 women in my life a note each year...to take a moment to celebrate them.
So, here is this year's installment. To all the kick-ass women who are out there busting their asses to make the world a better place--whether it's for themselves, their children, womankind, or all of humanity--Thank you for YOU!
March 2007
Happy Women’s History Month!!! This is the 2nd year that I have decided to celebrate Women’s History Month by recognizing the many strong, intelligent, and inspiring women in my life. You are receiving this note because YOU are a woman that I cherish and admire in my life. You are a woman whose life positively impacts those around you, and because of that, I celebrate YOU this month. In the chaos of my life, I may not always tell you how special you are, but I hope this note reminds you that you have made my life more rewarding by being in it. I celebrate the women in my life for their kindness and compassion, the nurturing they offer their families and friends, and their insight. I celebrate the women in my life for their talents and intellect, their leadership, their strength and courage. I celebrate the women in my life for following their dreams and nourishing the dreams of others. And I celebrate women for all they do each day to make me proud to be a woman.
In reflecting upon the vast array women in my life, I realize that I am so lucky to know so many incredible women. In the past year, the women in my life have done tremendous things. They have battled and triumphed over cancer. They have shown me the beauty of pregnancy and of bringing life into the world. They have shown me how persistence in the face of adversity can reap great rewards. They have gotten out of unhealthy or otherwise stifling relationships and have cultivated ones in which they will flourish. They have reached tremendous professional successes. They have shown me how unconditional love can give life to incredible happiness and intimacy. They have stood up for themselves and fought for justice. The women in my life have done extraordinary things in the past year, and I applaud them.
For those of you who received this card last year, you will remember that the quote on this year’s card is the same as last year’s. Although I hate to be redundant, I decided to go with this version of the card because (a) the quote is a reminder that we must not hesitate to follow our dreams and life ambitions simply because they might not conform to society’s current ideas about women’s “proper” behavior, (b) the card lists a number of amazing women who have fought to improve women’s lives or who are profound examples of the tremendous successes women can attain, and (c) the woman on this card has a “to-do” list of ambitious goals. Women’s History Month is a time to focus on women’s many accomplishments that often go unnoticed or remain inadequately documented in the annals of our history and culture. This card gives a list of some pretty amazing women who have fought injustice and have worked to do incredible things in their lives. Perhaps we can use this month to learn more about what a few of these women have done and use their stories to inspire our own lives. The “to-do” list on this card also reminds us that no goal is too lofty to attain if we so desire (e.g., fight prejudice). I know that in my own life, it is easy to get caught up in the daily “to-do” lists of household chores and groceries to buy. Perhaps tempering these daily “to-do’s” with long-term, self-fulfilling goals would be more rewarding. Ann Richards, the first female governor of
I celebrate YOU this month, and I hope you can take a moment to celebrate the women in your own life. Maybe you will take a moment this month to learn more about the social issues that face women today or about the struggles women have endured to gain the right to vote or to enter the workforce to support their families. Regardless of how you choose to celebrate Women’s History Month, I hope you realize the strength and ability you possess to positively impact others each day. May you always know of the strength and gifts you have to enrich your life and the lives of those around you, this month and always.
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